
Tank Cooks Chili Dogs

Thanks to Moore’s Country Store for the Spice Packet

Moore’s Country Store Spice Packet
1-2 lbs of Ground Beef
1/4 cup of chopped onions (optional)
(I used an Onion Soup packet and minced onions as a substitute)
6 Cups of Water

1. Brown Ground Beef (seasoned with an accent, lemon pepper, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika). 1 lb is a very spicy chili (2 lbs is a milder chili)
2. Add 6 cups of water for every pound of ground beef.
3. Add spice packet and heat on high stirring constantly with a flat-edge rubber spatula until it starts to bubble.
4. Add chopped onions
5. Reduce to medium heat and continue to stir regularly for 15 minutes.
6. Reduce to low heat and cook for another 10-20 minutes, continuing to stir regularly.
7. Add chili to hot dogs.

You know they have a chili that has people coming back for more and that’s why they’re they’ve been here for almost a 100 years and you can get their chili they have the chili spice pack you can make their chili at home they not going to tell you exactly what’s in the spice

But hey and uh I will be doing a tanks cooked episode mja mja bone Appetit let’s eat it’s time for tanks Cooks B mja bonea let’s eat it’s time for tank Cooks it’s time it’s time it’s time once again for tanks Cooks the weather forecast is chilly today hot tamale yes that’s right

I’m making chili which also means chili dogs and one of the places I went this year last year was um Mo’s Mo’s famous General Store in in um Lynchburg Virginia and they have chili dogs that they say is is one of the best and it

Was very good so they gave me this I got this B box to make the chili myself well I’m starting right here and I’m Browning some meat I mean this tool has been valuable to me so let’s chop up the meat and brown it mix up the meat and brown it while

It’s Browning We’ll add some zesty zestiness to it which means bu bu bum Accent let for a little yeah we’ll throw a little chili powder on there just for making some chili a little bit of garlic powder little bit of lemon pepper lemon pepper lemon Pepper stir it around a little bit paprika a little bit of zest it up zest it up zest it up pepper all right so we’re Browning the meat now we got a pot here it’s got six cups of water and you get back in the

Pot six cups of water in this uh sauce pan what we’re going to do is now we’re going to scoop our meat in here trying to avoid putting as much uh grease as we can possibly can but little grease doesn’t hurt anybody pour it into the pot pour the beat in

The pot going to meet the pot pour the meat in the pot let’s put some meat in this pot don’t want to get that much grease but we’re going to pour the meat in the pot pour the meat in the pot pot pour the meat in the

Pot all right look that see we didn’t put that much oil in this time saved a lot of Grease scoop some off over here too here we go it served me well In the Arms of an Angel guess I’m have to get another one now we’re going to throw in the moris

Mix we’ll cut the here and let’s pour it into the pock oh look that that’s red that is red all right we’re going to mix it in mix it with the water Stir It Around stir it around now it says that we can put some chopped onion in here but I’m not

Chopping up an onion today I’m going to just put some uh onion soup mix Mi which will be basically the same we’ll put some uh minced onion in here as well of course this has don’t have too much funion when you mix up the onions Oops why is this

Falling everything falls on the [ย __ย ] floor right put some minced onions in here extra chili powder in here just so show you up a little bit more it say use a uh flat edged uh spatula or a rubber spatula as it’s sometimes called and we have to meet mix this up

Until it starts to bubble and we have to continue to stir stir stir stir we’re stirring the chili stir stir stir stir up the chili stir stir stir stir up the chil stiring up the chil to make some chil dog and chil chil chil chil chil chil chil bubbling Brew all right it

Says what starts to Bubble turn the heat down to a high simmer so I guess we’ll put that down just a little bit and we have to continue to Stir It uh regularly all right I’ve been stirring constantly and it’s been uh for about 15 minutes on a medium Simmer and the chili is starting to get chil rubber spatula look that look at it Bubble look at it bubbly you know what that means got to turn it down a little bit more s we’ll continue to stir constantly just so it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the

Pot all right right now we’re making some hot dogs so we’re going to be making some uh dirty water hot dogs so we’re going to get the pot ready now when I cook dirty water hot dogs people fold hot dogs in water and they let it

Boil no no no you let it boil first and then you put the hot dogs in and I like putting just a little bit of oil into the hot dog water we no near in the Finish Line we’re still stirring the chili regularly um we’ll keep it on a low

Simmer as we get ready to put in our hot dogs and of course we’re using S bretts hot dogs you know when you’re cooking a dirty water style hot dog nothing is better than settes so we put uh three dogs into the pot here that’s been

Boiling you see you put the hot dogs in when it’s finally boiling and you cook it for like 7 Minutes of course this packaging is very good very strong you have to really cut Li close to the dog is they really pack these one well especially the Natural

Casing settes these are the the top level settes and these are the ones that really have the great snap and the great taste so we’ll put these three dogs into the pot we’re going to cover the pot and on top of the pot we’re going to

Put some hot dog rolls so you get a little bit of a steam effect from the pot steam effect from the pot get the steam effect on the pot not going to stop until we get the steam effect on the pot all right here we go this will be like

Steaming the rolls a little bit all right we’re done you know it’s time to Plate the meal time to Plate the meal we got some nice steamed hot dog buns now we’ll grab our hot dogs with the tongs tongue tongue get the hot dogs out

Get the hot dogs out with the tongs look at that look at that they craw up these is when you know you have a great snap when it has that color that’s why you get spread hot dogs they’re high quality since we’re making chili dogs I always like doing a little

Just a little cheese at the bottom first so it melts onto the dog put a couple of little cheese on the dog this is the dog in in the cheese tax the cheese tax the cheese tax you grab a little bit of chili and

Put it on to the to make the chili dog the mo from Mo’s Country Store there it is chili chili chil chilly onto the dog with the chili here we go no bring a little bit excess liquid just so you get this now put a little more cheese on top chees tax chees

Tax and this is how tank makes chili dogs when we use in how we make a fresh pot of chili notice no beans you you can make chili with beans or if you’re putting chili on a hot dog it cannot have beans it ruins the chili dog all right and there we

Go now it’s time to enjoy let’s see how this came out looks good very spicy burn your mouth spicy chili I think my mouth might actually be on fire yeah my mouth is on fire this might be the hottest spiciest chili [ย __ย ] ever well mcha mcha B up a teat let’s eat

And if you have any other recipes send me njtank99 all the fire department I think might just off actually might be on fire thank you for tuning in


  1. wtf was with all the stuffed added to the meat? lemon pepper? Dude you have a box with thr seasoning…..hellooooo

  2. Oh wow Frank actually put the 'soup nazi' oven mitt I sewed and send him for Christmas over his oven door handle! I busted his balls over it on the 100th walk LOL! Hope it comes in handy Frank!

  3. Hey Jenks, I like how you're slowly adding some small edits to these. (Zooming in on the meat when Tank adds the seasoning, fast forwarding the stirring) You took a lot of criticism for the ribs video but I think it was just a shock to the system for a lot of people. Doing small things like this is great and shouldn't go unnoticed. Frank and Jenks to the moon!

  4. He does not want to chop up onions so he dumps in onion soup mix instead? Good job Frank! The chili was probably not salty enough anyway……

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