
Melinda’s are genius for doing this!

Perfect to throw a couple in my lunch bag and it s a great variety!

by MrMcgilicutty


  1. theycallme_oldgreg

    Just today I was in the grocery store and saw Melinda’s had sample bottles out for $1 each, big enough for a 2-3 servings probably. So I ended up buying 4 different flavors.

  2. Lucidic333

    The $1 bottles is something everyone needs to do. So smart to try. Even this is really awesome too

  3. trashpanda22lax

    I got these last week for breakfast sandwiches

  4. No-Afternoon-5610

    I’m getting a lot of shit, do you guys actually buy sauce in taco bell packs?

  5. KingpinOfKats

    Great idea….except that a lot of stores just started carrying dollar sample sized bottles which are much more reusable and cost effective if you just refill them

  6. TheThingIs2big

    Awesome! More tiny single use plastics! Such convenience, and that’s what matters most.

  7. EatOutMyGrandma

    I wonder what the cost per fluid oz is like this? Compared to just buying it by the bottle and filling a small tupperware every day to throw in your lunch box?

  8. Corkymon87

    That’s awesome, I’ll have to get a box for myself. Would be perfect for work and in the car.

  9. Least-Addition4665

    If it was genius, they would’ve included their ghost pepper.

  10. Express-Structure480

    Who else soaks their sock in hot sauce, wears it, then rings it out over their food like a normal person?

  11. janderjanks

    A lot of complaining about waste, but these would be awesome for a backpacking trip.

  12. I know it’s terrible for the environment, but there have been days that I want my favorite 🔥with me

  13. Recent-Bug6396

    Where did you find this magic box of variety

  14. ChrisFarleysCousin

    Im going to have to get some thanks for posting

  15. shampton1964

    Single serve packettes are Satan’s tool for litter and waste…. also a bad selection of flavors.

  16. Falchion92

    Seriously that Fire Roasted Garlic is S Tier.

  17. Any_Squirrel9624

    If they have those in the dollar mini bottles, why not just go that route.

  18. DinnerDiva61

    I would love this for work lunch bag but they picked two of my favorites and 2 of my least favorites. I’d give away the green and the Mexicans and keep the other two.

  19. DesginerSuave

    Why buy one good one when you can also pay for three bad ones too? 🤣

  20. SpartanDoubleZero

    Mexicana is everything I want taco bell hot sauce to be.

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