
How We Make Cuttlefish Fried Toast

this is how we make our cuttlefish fried
toast we start with fresh British
cuttlefish from Bethal green fish these
get washed chopped and then Frozen to
give us a finer consistency when
processing once splits into a fine pup
we add an egg white and a housemade
green curry paste full of chilies Pepper
and a blend of spices we pile our
finished mousse onto the milk bread and
sprinkle with black and white sesame
seeds during service we fry our toast
until golden before brushing with our
chili jam we finish with spring onions
and puff big skin which we season with
salt and pepper seasoning


  1. So it's prawn toast but with cuttlefish? And waayyy too much spice. I mean green curry paste AND chilli jam? That sounds like a nice way to blow the roof of your mouth off before your main even finishes cooking! No amount of mayo, raita or any other cooling yoghurt-y dipping sauce is going to make that edible for me. I tap out at a tikka masala😱🥵lol😂 shame, cos this looks really yummy🥺

  2. Wait. You call something with tenticles a fish? Is that just the UK name for them or do all english countries call them that? Cause that aint a fish

  3. I think I would prefer chilli jam on the side ad I do enjoy the toast flavour for what it is especially since you guys added green curry paste.

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