
Authentic Szechuan Sauce For Dumplings, Noodles or Eggrolls

This Szechuan sauce will spice up your noodle dishes or make a great dipping sauce (just mix in a little bit of soy sauce) for dumplings, wontons or eggrolls!

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🥢MY AMAZON INFLUENCER/AFFILIATE PAGE – (I share ingredients and recommended products there)


🥢RECIPE – Note: The product links below are affiliate links. I may earn a commission if you purchase an item on a linked website within 24 hours.


* 180 g red chilies [180克朝天椒]
* 3 tbsp of minced garlic [3汤匙大蒜末]
* 3 tbsp of vegetable oil. [3汤匙植物油]
* 1 tbsp of Sichuan peppercorn powder. [1汤匙花椒] [Amazon Link:
* 2 tsp of salt [2茶匙盐]
* 1/4 cup of sesame oil. [1/4杯芝麻油]


* Wash the chilies. Dry them completely.
* Roughly cut the chilies into chunks.
* Transfer it to a blender, blend it until there is not big chunk. Set it aside.
* Prepare 3 tbsp of minced garlic.
* Heat up 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a small sauce pot using medium heat. Add in the garlic. Stir it for 2 minutes.
* Then add the chili paste. Keep stiring for 3 minutes.
* Add 2 tsp of salt combine well. then add in sichuan peppercorn powder. Continue to mix it well.
* Turn off the heat. Let it set and cool down to room temperature.
* Put it in a jar and add enough sesame oil to cover the chili paste. You are done!


* This will stay good for around 30 days at room temperature. It will last 2 months in the fridge.


* What I usually do is use it to make a quick noodles dish. Having this sauce is convenient if you don’t have a lot of time to cook.
* You can also serve it as dipping sauce for dumplings or wonton.
* There are also many sichuan chili dishes that use this sauce as the base.

Anyway, this is simple and delicious, I hope you give this a try soon =) If you have any questions, just post a comment.

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