We are back again with more BITCHIN’ Sauce! Honestly, I can not get enough of this stuff. Hopefully these two flavors live up to my expectations. Let’s figure out.
First BITCHIN’ Sauce Video:
Chips the Sauce would go good with:
OUTLW Chips:
Music YouTube Channel:
Editing App: iMovie
Intro Singer: Abeje TheAtre (me)
#veganlifestlye #tastetest #whatieatinaday
tags: Abeje TheAtre, Cuz It’s Vegan, Vegan Lifestyle, Vegetarian Lifestyle
What I Eat In A Day, Vegan Food Reviews, Vegan Taste Test, Vegan Recipes
Plant Based, BITCHIN’ SAUCE Again! || BITCHIN’ Cilantro Chili & Ranch Taste Test, vegan dipping sauce for cauliflower wings, vegan dipping sauce
plant based almond dip, Bitchin sauce, bitchin sauce review, bitchin sauce ranch, bitchin sauce cilantro chili, vegan lunch snack ideas
vegan lunch snacks, plant based snacks